10 Tips for Beginners Going Gluten-Free

Don’t expect going gluten-free to be a walk in the park.

After all, avoiding food containing gluten is easier said than done.

Why not when this protein is in almost every food item, especially those most people consider favourites?

That’s especially true if you are a beginner starting this gluten-free journey.

In most cases, the issues arise when figuring out the foods to eat and avoid after going gluten-free.

Whereas such things are obvious, others aren’t, despite people assuming they are.

That’s where this piece comes in to ease your way into a gluten-free diet.

Some of the tips for beginners going gluten-free include the following;

Choosing Naturally Gluten-Free Food Items Over Alternatives

It turns out that you don’t need to do much to access gluten-free food items.

After all, many foods are naturally gluten-free, including eggs, fish, potatoes, unprocessed meats, fruits and vegetables.

As long as you avoid such processed foods, rest assured that it will be easy to avoid gluten.

If you are wondering why the processed ones aren’t recommended, most manufacturers add gluten additives.

During that process, there is also exposure to this protein from external sources.

The bottom line is sticking to the fresh and natural ones for a gluten-free lifestyle.

Substitute Common Gluten Sources with their Gluten-Free Alternatives

It is an excellent way of easing your way into going gluten-free.

That’s because the transition is no longer a major transformation of what you already eat.

On the contrary, you will eat your usual food items but stick to those without gluten.

An excellent example is replacing your regular bread with gluten-free bread.

Other foods with gluten-free versions include flour, sauces, condiments, pasta and crackers, to mention a few.

Figure Out Hidden Gluten Sources

People often focus on the popular sources of gluten only to eat this protein from the not-so-obvious sources.

It turns out that there are various hidden sources of gluten, including the following;

  • Alcohol
  • Condiments
  • Gravy
  • Malt vinegar
  • Salad dressings
  • Sauces
  • Soups

Some people assume that such food items don’t contain gluten.

Most of them may be naturally gluten-free, but those making them often introduce ingredients containing gluten either for flavour or thickening.

Visit Grocery Stores Often

Remember that most naturally gluten-free food items are sold in grocery stores.

So, upon visiting a grocery store often, you can enjoy fresh and naturally gluten-free produce.

Some grocery stores also stock gluten-free foods to help you with the necessary substitutions.

It turns out that these stores also make it easy to go gluten-free by having sections dedicated to gluten-free items only.

Identify the Drinks Containing Gluten

Despite eating gluten-free food, you may ingest the protein as you quench your thirst.

That’s why one of the tips for beginners going gluten-free is learning the drinks, including alcohol, that contain gluten.

One of the drinks to avoid is regular beer since it contains gluten.

Whiskey and other spirits made using gluten grains are also bad.

That’s despite the popular assumption that such drinks’ distillation process is enough to remove gluten.

It may remove a large portion, but the process leaves traces of gluten, which are enough to react, especially if your sensitivity is extreme.

You should also avoid any drink you aren’t sure if it contains gluten.

Understand How to Read Labels Concerning Gluten

The importance of this tip is to compensate for the unobvious nature of gluten.

After all, this protein comes in various forms and names, including malt, starches, caramel colouring, and natural and artificial flavours.

So, learning how to read labels for gluten ensures that you don’t miss it out despite not being apparent.

Start Dining in Gluten-Free Restaurants

If a restaurant is 100% gluten-free, you don’t have to worry about it.

The staff of such restaurants are well informed about gluten.

Therefore, they prepare gluten-free meals you can enjoy without worrying despite your high gluten intolerance.

Finding such restaurants is also easy thanks to technology, including the various apps that help you locate them easily and conveniently.

Learn to Prepare Your Gluten-Free Meals

Whereas dining in gluten-free restaurants is a good idea, there is also the convenience of eating at home.

You may not have the money, time or energy to visit a restaurant.

That’s why you need to learn how to make homemade gluten-free dishes.

Identify gluten-free ingredients and figure out recipes for respective delicious meals.

Prevent Cross Contamination at All Costs

Whether eating at a restaurant or making food at home, cross-contamination is risky.

That’s why you should specify that you want gluten-free food as you order, avoid sharing dishes with people eating gluten-free food or even avoid such a table altogether.

Precaution is also important as you prepare your meals, especially if you share the space with someone without gluten sensitivity.

Avoid food prep surfaces and cutting boards that may have been used to prepare food containing gluten.

The same case applies to the serving and eating utensils.

Find a Gluten-Free Support Group

Having someone to hold your hand as you navigate the gluten-free world is always good.

That’s where corresponding support groups come in.

They don’t have to be physical since social networks change how things work.

You get to hear other people’s experiences and learn more about going and living gluten-free, including what to eat or avoid.

What Are the Advantages of Going Gluten-Free?

As you go gluten-free, you might as well learn the gains that await you.

After all, it can be quite encouraging when the going gets tough.

These benefits include;

  • Fixing digestive issues such as diarrhoea, constipation, gas and bloating.
  • Alleviating chronic inflammation among celiacs
  • Weight loss
  • Boosting your body’s energy levels

What Are the Disadvantages of Going Gluten-Free?

However, it won’t be all easy, and the following disadvantages of going gluten-free often arise;

Due to the nature of social situations usually revolving around food, going gluten-free can be bad for that aspect of your life

It can also strain you financially

Constipation often occurs since most gluten-free foods lack fibre

There are also other nutrition deficiencies associated with going gluten-free

Is it Okay to Eat Gluten-Free Packaged Foods?

There are many campaigns against eating excess packaged foods, which is for a good course.

Such food items are known to have a lot of fat and many calories, and that’s often bad for your health.

That doesn’t change much once the packaged foods are gluten-free.

After all, the only ingredient that makes the difference in most cases is gluten.

So, it is okay to eat gluten-free packaged foods, but it isn’t a healthy lifestyle despite the lack of gluten.

10 Tips for Beginners Going Gluten-Free
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