9 Signs of Gluten Intolerance

Gluten intolerance refers to a condition in which individuals experience adverse symptoms after eating food that contains gluten.

Many people usually confuse gluten intolerance with celiac disease.

The difference is that gluten intolerance does not involve any autoimmune response.

In addition, there is no harm to the small intestine.

Gluten intolerance can cause many uncomfortable symptoms despite not harming the above effects.

To help you comprehend the gluten intolerance condition, here is a detailed discussion of the gluten intolerance symptoms.

Remember, gluten intolerance symptoms usually overlap with other health conditions, which makes its diagnosis difficult.

Although these gluten intolerance symptoms may vary from one person to another, here are the most common symptoms of gluten intolerance:

Nausea and Vomiting

People with gluten intolerance tend to experience nausea or vomiting.

The symptom will leave you distressed and often happens after eating gluten-containing foods.

Digestive Discomfort

Gastrointestinal symptoms are very common in gluten-sensitive people.

Individuals experience abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhoea, and their severity may depend on the gluten content taken.


If you are gluten-sensitive and eat gluten-containing foods, you may feel sluggish, tired, or sometimes mentally foggy despite having a good sleep.

Weight Changes

Gluten intolerance may cause individuals to experience unexplained weight loss due to nutrient malabsorption.


You may experience severe and frequent headaches ranging from migraines to your mind.

Many patients have found that they do not respond well to normal pain relievers.

Diarrhea or Constipation

Individuals with gluten sensitivity will experience irregular bowel habits after taking gluten.

Others may experience may experience different levels of constipation.

Joint and Muscle Pain

If you are experiencing joint and muscle pain that resembles fibromyalgia, symptoms may be a sign of gluten intolerance.

Individuals will complain of having aches and pains, which reduces quality of life.

Skin Issues

For gluten-sensitive individuals, they may get skin issues like rashes or dermatitis.

Mood Disturbances

Gluten intolerance individuals experience anxiety, irritability, and mood swings, impacting their mental well-being.

How Long Does It Take To See Signs Of Gluten Intolerance After Eating Gluten?

If you take gluten-containing foods, the time it will take for the signs to appear does vary.

Some individuals see these symptoms within minutes or hours.

Some signs such individuals experience include diarrhoea, bloating, and abdominal pain.

For others, it may take numerous hours or even days to see the gluten intolerance symptoms, making it complex to determine the particular cause.

People with gluten sensitivity may experience chronic effects.

Gluten intolerance may manifest as long-term health issues after chronic gluten consumption.

Generally, it takes 12 to 72 hours for gluten intolerance signs to show after consuming gluten.

Can The Signs Of Gluten Intolerance Come And Go?

Gluten intolerance has a variable course.

Here is all you need to know about the gluten intolerance variable course:

Intermittent Symptoms

You may experience gluten intolerance as intermittent symptoms, hence getting gastrointestinal discomforts like abdominal pain, diarrhoea, and bloating.

Sensitivity Levels

The gluten intolerance sensitivity levels vary from one individual to another.

If you have a high sensitivity level, even eating a low amount of gluten will lead to severe symptoms and vice versa.


The severity and presence of gluten intolerance symptoms can easily be triggered by eating gluten.

Therefore, reducing or eliminating gluten may lead to reducing these symptoms or a complete absence of such symptoms.

Lifestyle Factor

Lifestyle choices and dietary habits may impact the recurrent gluten intolerance symptoms.

Other conditions affecting the recurrence of gluten intolerance symptoms include dietary choices and stress.

Long-Term Health Effect

Despite individuals experiencing symptoms that come and go, gluten intolerance has a long-term detrimental health impact.

You can suffer from intestine damage or other advanced health issues, making managing gluten intolerance conditions difficult.

What Should I Do If I Think I Have Gluten Intolerance?

If you are experiencing gluten intolerance symptoms, the first step is to visit a healthcare expert such as an allergist or gastroenterologist.

These professionals will help you determine if you have a gluten intolerance condition by performing endoscopy, blood tests, or genetic testing.

You ought to keep a food diary to aid you and a healthcare expert in identifying systems related to gluten intake.

Sometimes, healthcare professionals like dietitians may advise you to stop consuming gluten-containing foods for a specified period.

If the severity of the symptoms continues, it could indicate you are experiencing a gluten intolerance condition.

If a medical expert diagnoses you with a gluten intolerance disorder, you must adhere to a gluten-free diet, avoiding foods such as wheat and barley.

Always monitor your symptoms regularly and continue communication with the healthcare provider for any necessary medical support you may require.

What Are Some Common Mistakes People With Gluten Intolerance Make?

These are the most common mistakes gluten-intolerant individuals make:

Not Having A Proper Diagnosis

Many people usually make the mistake of self-diagnosing themselves without visiting a healthcare expert.

Getting a formal diagnosis from a healthcare expert to eliminate other possible causes is key.

Going Gluten-Free Unnecessarily

A gluten-free diet can be challenging and restrictive for many people.

You should consult a healthcare expert for accurate advice regarding a gluten-free diet, as you do not have to follow it if you do not have a gluten intolerance condition.

Not Paying Attention to Cross-Contamination

Despite aiming to stick to a gluten-free diet, food preparation matters as you may introduce gluten during preparation.

Gluten-intolerant individuals should take caution while preparing and storing their foods to avoid accidental exposure.

Overlooking Hidden Gluten

Some foods in the market have hidden gluten sources; hence, individuals may consume them accidentally if they don’t read labels or verify the ingredients.

Imbalanced Diet

You will make a big mistake if you only focus on gluten-free foods since it will lead to imbalanced nutrition.

You should ensure you have a balanced diet, including foods such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

Irregular Health Checkups

Individuals with gluten intolerance must adhere to regular medical checkups to effectively manage the condition.

Failure to honour that could see one’s health deteriorate and complicate the already difficult journey of going and living gluten-free.

9 Signs of Gluten Intolerance
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